What is JavaScript?
is a scripting language commonly used in web browsers. Client-side
scripts written in JavaScript enable the browser to interact with the
user, control the browser, communicate with the server asynchronously,
and change the content of the web page. JavaScript, such as Node.js on
the server side is also widely used. Originally developed by Brendan
Eich, a Netscape employee, and has been an ECMA standard since 1997,
JavaScript is now being developed and maintained by the free software
community under the Mozilla Foundation. JavaScript can be embedded in
HTML code, for the purpose of perfecting the appearance of web pages,
increasing functionality and designing dynamic web pages. JavaScript has
a programming language discipline and features.
there are name similarities between them, there are technically very
important differences between Java and JavaScript. The following table
highlights these differences:
- It is interpreted by the client (eg web browser).
- It is an object-based language. There is no difference between object types. New features and methods are dynamically added to any object. The inheritance property of object oriented theory is accomplished by the prototype mechanism.
- There is no variable data type notification mechanism.
- The dynamic linking mechanism is used, so references to the object are checked at run time.
- The program called compiled bytecode is run on the client.
- It is an object oriented language. The objects are divided into various classes and the inheritance mechanism is realized through the class hierarchy. Features and methods cannot be dynamically added to class and class instances
- Variable type declaration is mandatory.
- Static linking mechanism is used, ie object references are checked at compile time.
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